Microsoft wants to develop an ultra-low latency video streaming software

According to a recent patent filled by Microsoft, ultra-low latency could be coming to Windows devices.

by Flavius Floare

Flavius Floare

Flavius is a writer and a media content producer with a particular interest in technology, gaming, media, film and storytelling. He enjoys spending time in nature and at… read more

  • Ultra-low latency will choose to drop some of the insignificant elements of live video streaming, for a stable streaming.
  • The technology will also adapt to each situation and will take into consideration the Internet’s speed.
  • Microsoft filed the patent for it earlier this year. 

ultra low latency

Microsoft might develop ultra-low latency video streaming software in the future, according to a patent filed by the Redmond-based tech giant last month. The patent, which goes by the name of Ultra-low Latency Video Streaming, showcases a software capable of quickly streaming media content without any loss, using a special protocol.

This special protocol will deliver media streams, in this case, video content, to streaming clients. Once delivered, the protocol will keep an eye on these clients to see if any of them are lagging when streaming the video content.

If they do lag, the protocol will then selectively lower the streaming data that is supposed to be sent to them. The selection is made by the protocol over a period of time when it gathers the relevant information about each streaming client’s streaming performance. For example, if a streaming client has issues with lagging over a period of time, this protocol will select to lower the data for it.

The protocol will also automatically handle these selections, and it will also adapt to various conditions.

The ultra-low latency software could be a game-changer

Low latency is sought by almost any Windows user, directly or indirectly. Low latency means a better performance in gaming, for example, and NVIDIA actually developed software with this intention. But low latency is also desirable when streaming live video content.

If Microsoft really intends to develop and use ultra-low latency software on its devices, then live streaming, as a whole, would be taken to the next level.

For example, imagine you’re watching a live sports event online, a football match. The streaming service would use this ultra-low latency protocol to send the video to many viewers at the same time. It would also keep an eye on all viewers to see if any of them are having trouble keeping up with the live stream.

If a viewer’s internet connection is slow and they start lagging behind, the ultra-low latency protocol can choose to drop some of the video data that are supposed to be sent to that viewer. For example, less important data, like background details or similar frames.ultra low latency

Using this protocol, viewers with slow internet connections can keep up with the live stream without significant delays. And the streaming service can do this without needing feedback from the viewers about the quality of the stream.

So if you have a Windows device, such as a laptop that carries this technology, you would be able to stream live video content from pretty much anywhere, even if your Internet connection is not stable or good. The ultra-low latency protocol will adapt to each situation.

According to the patent, the ultra-low latency technology can be written in any programming language, and any device can use it (laptops, desktops, TVs, mobile phones, etc.).

It would also not be limited to the Internet connection, as the technology can be integrated with other forms of communication: intranet, software applications, cable (including fiber optic cable), magnetic communications, electromagnetic communications (including RF, microwave, and infrared communications), electronic communications, or other such communication means.

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