Microsoft could remaster the Project Gotham Racing franchise

Releasing remasters of old games could be a source of revenue and public appreciation for Microsoft.

by Flavius Floare

Flavius Floare

Flavius is a writer and a media content producer with a particular interest in technology, gaming, media, film and storytelling. He enjoys spending time in nature and at… read more

  • The Project Gotham Racing games were mainly released in the 2000s.
  • Over time, they managed to build a cult status.
  • Now, Microsoft could remaster the franchise.

project gotham racing remastered

Let’s just say Microsoft is having a stressful but good month. The Redmond-based tech giant won the case against FTC, effectively making it able to close the acquisition with Activision-Blizzard anytime. However, the two agreed to extend the merger period to October 18. This means the deal can be closed anytime by now.

Of course, a lot of gamers are already seeing the benefits of this deal. Microsoft fixed the old Call of Duty games matchmaking servers last week, and the reception was overwhelmingly positive. The old Call of Duty games became the top-selling games in the Xbox Store, while Xbox X consoles are sold out in certain regions.

This phenomenon has a lot of people wondering what’s next. It’s clear that a lot of people are also passionate about old games, so Microsoft might be taking a hint and come with something new.

A new old game server is being fixed. Or, maybe a franchise. The Project Gotham Racing franchise remastered, maybe?

Is the Project Gotham Racing franchise getting remastered?

Well, it is known that Microsoft has no intention of making a new Project Gotham Racing game currently, according to IGN. But we’re not talking about a new game, per se. We’re talking about a remastered franchise.

If there is anything that could change the Redmond-based tech giant’s mind, is the recent hype Xbox got all due to old Call of Duty servers being fixed. The games are currently selling on the Xbox Store. The consoles are also enjoying commercial momentum. A lot of people are actively engaging in this nostalgia trip all due to older video games.project gotham racing remastered

Should Microsoft take a leap of fate and work on the Project Gotham Racing franchise remaster? Yes, they should do it. And they most probably will announce something related to the franchise in the next months.

If the recent engagement with old Call of Duty games says something that a lot of people are going to play remastered old games when they come up. And this is also a good moment for Microsoft to really step into the gaming world, and establish itself there.

If you remember, recently, executives at Microsoft admitted that Xbox is losing the console war to PlayStation and Nintendo. However, it seems the Redmond-based tech giant has an established community of Xbox users in the North American region, and the console is quite popular there.

But releasing remasters of old games could be a source of revenue and public appreciation. Microsoft shouldn’t focus entirely on this.

But the company could deploy a team, of developers to work solely on these sorts of games. And we all know that Microsoft is on a journey to buy smaller independent game studios. So it can easily do it.

What’s your take on this? Do you want to play Project Gotham Racing games again? Would you play them if they were remastered? Let us know in the comments section below.

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