You can choose the layout of your ads in Outlook on Windows 11

The ads are dismissible, but they will pop up every time you use Outlook.

by Flavius Floare

Flavius Floare

Flavius is a writer and a media content producer with a particular interest in technology, gaming, media, film and storytelling. He enjoys spending time in nature and at… read more

  • The feature allows for ads to be shown in your mailbox.
  • Ads are dismissible, so you can close them any time you want.
  • Whatever layout you choose, you will get it on every device you log in.

outlook ads layout

The new Outlook app on Windows 11 now comes with ad layouts that you can choose from, according to this Reddit user who spotted the feature.

You’ll have two options, which feature ads in different designs. According to Microsoft, you can change this feature at any time in Settings. But it is unknown if you can disable it altogether.

The Default layout shows dismissible ads in your mailbox, maximing your screen space. The Banner layout shows ads above your mailbox. You can change this at any time in Settings. Your choice will apply to Outlook across all your devices.

The new Outlook is a pretty good-looking app that you can store your emails. Microsoft recently added a feature for Gmail accounts, and now you can use almost any type of email on it. While the older version keeps a Windows 10 design, you can still use it on Windows 11 as well.

However, you need to know that by using Outlook to open your emails, any link from the emails will be open in Edge by default. You can change this in settings, but if you haven’t used Outlook before, then you should know.

What does the new Outlook ads layout mean for you?

Well, it means that more ads will soon come to your inbox. Or every time you open your Outlook. But fortunately, they are dismissable, per Microsoft’s account. However, this doesn’t mean they will disappear.

You will be able to choose the layout when you first start using Outlook. There might be a possibility of not seeing these layouts at all.

But this option means you should roll back to the old Outlook version. For now, you can easily do that by disabling the old version.outlook ads layout

More than that, there is nothing you can do for now, especially if you’re keen on using the new Outlook version.

What do you think about this new feature? Do you agree with it or not? Let us know in the comments section below.

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