Does the Xbox strike system work? Here’s what people think about it

The Xbox Strike system uses gradual banning to discourage abusive behaviour.

by Flavius Floare

Flavius Floare

Flavius is a writer and a media content producer with a particular interest in technology, gaming, media, film and storytelling. He enjoys spending time in nature and at… read more

  • The Xbox Strike system will strike you 8 times before banning you for a year.
  • It would seem that the system would put a lot of people off, but it does the opposite.
  • Here’s what people are saying about it.

xbox strike system

If you remember, a while ago, Xbox introduced its Xbox Enforcement Strike System, which effectively bans you for 1 year, if you break the rules 8 times. The system is already in place on the Xbox consoles, and Microsoft thinks it will create a safe and secure space for all, in the Xbox Community.

Per se, the Xbox Enforcement Strike System is a healthy system that keeps abusive and toxic behavior out of the Xbox Community. The system works in levels, and once you reach all of them (8, to be specific) you’re banned for 1 year. Microsoft says the gradual ban will act as a teacher to users and will discourage abuse and toxicity.

Our data shows us that players typically stop inappropriate behavior after one enforcement, quickly learning what is and is not acceptable based on the Xbox Community Standards and how to better engage on our platform.


But ultimately, the system is all about the people within the Xbox Community. So what better way to verify if the system really works, than asking the people who are affected (or not) by it?

And Reddit is a resourceful place to find out genuine opinions on how people feel about the Xbox Strike system. But you should know: some answers might actually surprise you.

Is the Xbox Strike system good or not?

Well, according to many Reddit users, the Xbox Strike system is actually good. And Xbox implementing it will also greatly reduce abuse, which is prevalent within the gaming community strike system

Here’s what the Reddit users say about it.

If you’re gonna be toxic and say nasty things, then don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

It is a massive improvement over the old system where people got perma banned for things and lost access to their games. This is a transparent way to deal with toxic behavior, that gives you multiple chances to improve your behavior and you can appeal if you think the strike is wrong. Keep in mind you are not the only one in online interactions why has paid to enjoy themselves. So why should your bad behavior take priority over the other people’s right to enjoy the game they paid for?

How about just behaving appropriately? If you would not say something at work to your boss, don’t talk like this in public space.

If you’re worried about the strike system, that just shows us all that you are someone who can’t behave properly in a social setting when you have anonymity.

Most of the Reddit thread is happy about the Xbox Strike system, and some of them are really glad the system is in place, already. Judging by this almost unanimous feedback, it seems that the Xbox Community needed this sort of system.

But it can also make you wonder: Were the Xbox community members often abusive towards each other? That’s how it sounds, but what do you think?

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