AI generated 76% of NVIDIA’s total revenue in just a year

AI will soon dominate the tech world, when it comes to profits.

by Flavius Floare

Flavius Floare

Flavius is a writer and a media content producer with a particular interest in technology, gaming, media, film and storytelling. He enjoys spending time in nature and at… read more

  • AI is the biggest money maker for NVIDIA.
  • The company has integrated AI in almost all of its products, and its revenue skyrocketed in just a year.
  • We can also conclude that NVIDIA is an AI company now.

nvidia financial report

NVIDIA’s financial report agrees that we are definitely starting to live in the age of AI. Microsoft has shown it to us with their many AI projects (LongMem, Windows Copilot, Bing Chat, Project Rumi, and so many more), but now NVIDIA is bringing in the financial numbers to prove it, and once again we are all reminded that AI is indeed the future.

NVIDIA released its financial results for the second quarter of fiscal 2024, and the company is seeing some incredible profits, but its Data Center department, which is the one that focuses on AI and related subjects (generative AI, for example), is by far the most profitable one.

The company managed to record some impressive profits:

  • NVIDIA is seeing a record revenue of $13.51 billion, up 88% from Q1, and up 101% from a year ago.
  • Data Center records a revenue of $10.32 billion, up 141% from Q1, up 171% from a year ago.

An astonishing 76% of the revenue comes from AI, in just a year since artificial intelligence gained popularity in the tech world.

A new computing era has begun. Companies worldwide are transitioning from general-purpose to accelerated computing and generative AI. NVIDIA GPUs connected by our Mellanox networking and switch technologies and running our CUDA AI software stack make up the computing infrastructure of generative AI. During the quarter, major cloud service providers announced massive NVIDIA H100 AI infrastructures. Leading enterprise IT system and software providers announced partnerships to bring NVIDIA AI to every industry. The race is on to adopt generative AI.

Jensen Huang, founder and CEO of NVIDIA

NVIDIA’s financial report proves that for the moment AI is unbeatable

Now even the gaming department could come close. It only managed to record a 22% growth from last year, bringing in profits of about $2.4 billion.

AI is unbeatable, and NVIDIA is also counting on it when it comes to its products. The tech giant has been integrating AI into all of the platforms and products it designed recently. If we look at this year, for example, NVIDIA launched no less than 7 AI-enhanced platforms.nvidia financial report

We’re talking about NVIDIA® GH200 Grace Hopper Superchip, the NVIDIA L40S GPU, NVIDIA MGX,  NVIDIA Spectrum-X, NVIDIA RTX workstations, NVIDIA AI Workbench and many more AI partnerships.

But the company also integrated AI in one of its gaming platforms,  NVIDIA Avatar Cloud Engine, or ACE, for Games, which uses AI to customize and deeply humanize NPCs in video games. 

NVIDIA’s financial report only comes in to validate something we’ve all known for quite a while now: AI is revolutionary, and also incredibly profitable.

As Microsoft, Meta, and Google lead the race in the goal of reaching AGI and ASI, NVIDIA joins the crowd as well.

What do you think about it? Have you ever thought AI would be so profitable now? What about a year ago, did you think about it?

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